Free time leads to a few things: wasting time, ingenuity, laziness. My latest experience with ingenuity has to do with survival bracelets. I saw this the other day at REI and I'd seem them before, and I wanted one. What I didn't want was the $10 price tag. Swiftly I turned to google; couldn't a thrifty and crafty young man make his own survival bracelet while enjoying huge savings and taking some personal pride in his work? Even swifter came the reply, YES!!! I got my baby brother Dan onboard, and we got to work. BAM! Miller's Surplus had everything we needed (literally, they have gas masks, bayonets, MRE's). After setting up a temporary tying station and watching the instructional video on youtube a few times; Voila! Three bracelets for the low low price of...$3.70. That's with required state and local taxes people! Okay, you might question the usefulness of these bracelets in surviving; you've got a point. Let' say you're being eaten by a shark or falling from a plane without a parachute; an extra 8 feet of 550 paracord wrapped around your wrist isn't going to help you. But here are two important facts about me; I hate paying retail and I love to beat the system. Therefore, 1 fun project + baby brother Dan - $3.70 = :-)
I think one of those would cheer my blues away!!!!! I like the red one! :D