
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

we like

   It's interesting that the movie "the social network" is called "'the' social network", because facebook is "the" social network. There's really only one. All others have been abandoned; only parasitic quasi-networks, a la pinterest or instagram, can gain a foothold and hang around for a while (parasitic is an accurate term not be taken as a slight to either). When the movie was released the membership stat pasted on the screen at the end of the film said, "...facebook has 500 million users worldwide.", that number has risen to over 845 million. Facebook is ubiquitous. And it came from nothing, from some guy's head and now that "guy" is worth billions in real money. So what's the next facebook? Facebook isn't going to die or be replaced, but its story will be duplicated. We like ubiquity. We discover, try, use, love and ubiquitize things. A short list: cell phones, washing machines, email, toenail clippers, automobiles. So who holds the key to ubiquity? Will it be a thing you touch and hold and use with your hands? Or a "thing" that you see through screens and exists over waves and bits? Who's got the plan or the big idea and what parts of our lives will it revolutionize? I don't know, but it will be here when now is then. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

sweet relief

    While doing the dishes and trying not to stress about a 5K dollar deal falling through, I asked myself, what is the point of being stressed? Is stress helping this situation? When I thought about it, the answer was no. Then I thought, if I really believe that God is going to bless me, then why would I stress about life? The Lord loves me and he wants what is best for me, so why worry? I just need to do my best and get better everyday. And even if I don’t, I know that I can; that tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to make a good decision in place of a bad one. So why stress? It does no good; it accomplishes nothing. So eliminate it. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, what can I do? Then do something, or don’t. Either way there are consequences and outcomes, some under your control and some not. But if you add in stress what do you get? NOTHING! Well that’s not true, you get stress and stress is worthless. DON’T STRESS! That sentence was a little stressful, here’s another shot at it. Don’t stress. Ahh…sweet relief.