
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

mighty blog

The once mighty blog, with literally scores of readers, is back. The truth is, I never really thought that my posts would turn out to be so literary. But if you go back and read my very first post, which was created on a whim one lonely Friday evening, you will find a glowing example of foreshadowing. That first post dealt with real property, which is now the foundation of my career. In a comment left on that post a dear childhood friend even suggested I look into becoming a real estate professional. Booyah! You just got foreshadowed! See what I mean? I wonder what other literary elements can be found hidden amongst the seemingly unplanned words of my several posts. Now here is where you the reader can get involved! When you read these posts think back on English lit from high school and try to identify the literary elements employed. The feeling you get will be like floating or dunking a basketball. Psst...that was a simile, okay no more gimmes! Read, partake, and educate, my friends. Also, if you have never travelled south across the border to the Sea of Cortez, please do. You will not be disappointed. Get the tacos al pastor. 


  1. I love a shout-out! and look forward to more foreshadowing, irony, allegories and any other literary tidbits you might share :)

  2. Sorry Pete, but me dunking a basketball isn't pretty - This is what I would look like on a 7 foot rim:
